86 research outputs found

    Technological strategies of transnational corporations affiliates in Brazil

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    This paper presents an analysis of the technological efforts made by Transnational Corporations(1) (TNCs) affiliates in Brazil. Many studies have indicated that most TNCs concentrate their main technological activities in their home, developed countries. However, empirical investigation has shown TNC affiliates in Brazil have presented a higher profile than local firms in terms of both innovative performance and R&D efforts. This study is an attempt to examine the technological efforts of TNC affiliates in Brazil and their main determinants, considering the recent changes in TNC strategies for global organization of production and technological activities. The study is based on data analysis from 450 firms controlled by foreign capital operating in São Paulo State in 1996. The database was taken from the first PAEP - Pesquisa da Atividade Econômica Paulista -, which comprises not only economic indicators, but also includes an innovation survey based on OECD guidelines. Using multivariate techniques, we have identified distinct strategies of TNCs subsidiaries in regard to technological activities, which reflect different technological effort patterns. In addition, the article reveals that such diversity of technological strategies has been influenced by the size of firms, the industrial sector to which the firm belongs and the nationality of foreign capital, in this order.163

    Shifts in Innovation Power to Brazil and India: Insights from the Auto and Software Industries

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    The global innovation map is changing. Until a few years ago innovation activities were concentrated in the US, Europe and Japan. Not anymore. The rising powers of China, India and Brazil are encroaching on the innovation stronghold of the old powers. This report explores how deep the change goes and how we can explain it. Most of the literature explains this shift in innovation power by concentrating on factors within the rising powers, such as their investment in high-level education, their low labour cost, their big and expanding internal markets and others. This report concentrates on explanatory factors that emanate from the old powers, notably the organisational decomposition of the innovation process (ODIP). The empirical focus is on the global value chains that link Brazilian auto and Indian software suppliers with lead firms in the US and Europe. The report shows that subsidiaries and independent suppliers in Brazil and India were involved in advanced innovation capabilities: they engaged not only in ‘applied’ development, but also in ‘systemic’ development of products and services. In other words, the build-up of innovation capabilities goes further than is generally recognised. Most of the report is then concerned with unravelling the processes through which this occurs, showing that ODIP emanating from US and European lead firms has knock-on effects within Brazil and India. The research also distinguishes between different types of ODIP showing that the biggest organisational and geographical changes occur when innovation and production activities are tightly integrated. The resulting build-up of innovation capability is only partially visible in conventional R&D indicators. The causal connection between ODIP in the old powers and increase of innovation capabilities in the new powers is not one way. The accumulation of innovation capabilities in the new powers increases the possibilities for further rounds of ODIP in the old powers

    Impacts of New Technologies on Free-To-Air Tv Industry: Lessons from Selected Country Cases

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    This paper aims to examine the impacts of new technologies, especially of the digital TV, on the industry of terrestrial TV in selected countries. Taking the evolution of information and communication technologies (ICTs) as a background scenario, the transformations provoked by digitization of TV on the following aspects are analyzed: (i) the market structure of terrestrial TV (or free-to-air TV broadcasting), (ii) the plurality and diversity of TV programming. Based on secondary data and on recent studies on the technological trajectory of terrestrial TV in selected countries, one concludes that digital TV may provide great opportunities for development in such industry, but the magnitude of its benefits is strongly conditioned by socioeconomic factors and by how the service was regulated. Such findings may contribute to Brazilian debate on development opportunities opened by technological change to the television sector.This paper aims to examine the impacts of new technologies, especially of the digital TV, on the industry of terrestrial TV in selected countries. Taking the evolution of information and communication technologies (ICTs) as a background scenario, the transformations provoked by digitization of TV on the following aspects are analyzed: (i) the market structure of terrestrial TV (or free-to-air TV broadcasting), (ii) the plurality and diversity of TV programming. Based on secondary data and on recent studies on the technological trajectory of terrestrial TV in selected countries, one concludes that digital TV may provide great opportunities for development in such industry, but the magnitude of its benefits is strongly conditioned by socioeconomic factors and by how the service was regulated. Such findings may contribute to Brazilian debate on development opportunities opened by technological change to the television sector.This paper aims to examine the impacts of new technologies, especially of the digital TV, on the industry of terrestrial TV in selected countries. Taking the evolution of information and communication technologies (ICTs) as a background scenario, the transformations provoked by digitization of TV on the following aspects are analyzed: (i) the market structure of terrestrial TV (or free-to-air TV broadcasting), (ii) the plurality and diversity of TV programming. Based on secondary data and on recent studies on the technological trajectory of terrestrial TV in selected countries, one concludes that digital TV may provide great opportunities for development in such industry, but the magnitude of its benefits is strongly conditioned by socioeconomic factors and by how the service was regulated. Such findings may contribute to Brazilian debate on development opportunities opened by technological change to the television sector

    Shifts in Innovation Power to Brazil and India

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    Analysts tend to explain the shift in innovation power by concentrating on factors within the rising powers, such as their investment in high-level education, their low labour cost, their big and expanding internal markets and others. In contrast, this report concentrates on explanatory factors that emanate from the old powers, notably the organisational decomposition of the innovation process (ODIP). To this end the report focuses on global value chains that link Brazilian auto and Indian software suppliers with lead firms in the US and Europe. It shows that ODIP undertaken by US and European lead firms contributes direct and indirectly to the accumulation of innovation activities in Brazil and India. It also suggests that the build-up of innovation capabilities in countries like India and Brazil is accelerating ODIP in the US and Europe. PLEASE NOTE: This is a summary of 'Shifts in Innovation Power to Brazil and India: Insights from the Auto and Software Industries’, IDS Research Report 73

    Carving out new business models in a small company through contextual ambidexterity: the case of a sustainable company

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    Business model innovation (BMI) and organizational ambidexterity have been pointed out as mechanisms for companies achieving sustainability. However, especially considering small and medium enterprises (SMEs), there is a lack of studies demonstrating how to combine these mechanisms. Tackling such a gap, this study seeks to understand how SMEs can ambidextrously manage BMI. Our aim is to provide a practical artifact, accessible to SMEs, to operationalize BMI through organizational ambidexterity. To this end, we conducted our study under the design science research to, first, build an artifact for operationalizing contextual ambidexterity for business model innovation. Then, we used an in-depth case study with a vegan fashion small e-commerce to evaluate the practical outcomes of the artifact. Our findings show that the company improves its business model while, at the same time, designs a new business model and monetizes it. Thus, our approach was able to take the first steps in the direction of operationalizing contextual ambidexterity for business model innovation in small and medium enterprises, democratizing the concept. We contribute to theory by connecting different literature strands and to practice by creating an artifact to assist managemen

    Projeto de primeiro mundo com conhecimento e trabalho do terceiro?

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    The purpose of this article is to discuss die links between technological backwardness and the advanced industrialised countries. In the current acceleration of technical change, the content of work tends to be enlarged, to incorporate an innovative componet. Such re-valuation of the intelligence of work is an important source for firm's innovative capability. However, in Brazil, industrialisation has been characterised by a low degree of development of technological fragility reinforces (and is reinforced by) the dominance of taylorism principles in the organisation of work, and the use of a workforce which is, generally, little skilled, badly paid and subject to high turnover.No artigo procura-se documentar e discutir a relação existente entre atraso tecnológico e uso predatório do trabalho, traçando um paralelo entre o Brasil e os países de industrialização avançada. Na atual fase de aceleração tecnológica, a ampliação do conteúdo inovativo do trabalho é o eixo comum da mudança dos processos de trabalho e constitui importante colaboração à capacidade das firmas de acumularem conhecimento e inovarem. No entanto, no Brasil, uma industrialização marcada pelo baixo grau de capacitação tecnológica contínua associada à predominância de processos de trabalho ainda inspirados em princípios tayloristas, baseados primordialmente no uso de força de trabalho pouco qualificada, mal remunerada e com vínculo de emprego instável. Argumenta-se que esses dois aspectos do atraso brasileiro reforçam-se mutuamente.357


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    The author sunthesizes the main results of recent studies on the implications of technological innovations in micro-electronics (TIM) for the volume and the dynamism of employment and for the composition of the work force in electronics and automobile industries. He detects a positive correlation between TIM incorporation and generation of employment, which does not exclude resulting unemployment among less qualified workers. It is necessary to assure, within each industrial company, that technological transition be associated with a negotiated social program.II s’agit ici d’une sistématisation des résultats d’études récentes sur les implications d’innovations technologiques de base micro-électronique (ITM) pour le volume et le dynamisme de I’emploi et pour la composition de la main-d’oevre dans I’industrie automobile et I’industrie électronique. L’auteur identifie une cor- rélation positive entre I’incorporation d’ITM et la création d’emplois, ce qui n’em- pêche pas le licenciement des moins qualifiés. II faudrait assurer, au niveau de chaque entreprise, que la transition technologique soit associée à un programme social négocié.Trata-se aqui de uma sistematização dos principais achados de estudosrecentes sobre as implicações das inovações tecnológicas de base micro-eletrônica(ITM) para o volume e o dinamismo do emprego e para a composição damão-de-obra da indústria automobilística e na indústria eletrônica. Parece haveruma correlação positiva entre incorporação das ITM e geração de empregos emalguns setores, o que não impede a demissão dos não qualificados. É necessáriogarantir, ao nível de cada empresa, que a transição tecnológica seja associadaa um programa social negociado

    Projeto de primeiro mundo com conhecimento e trabalho do terceiro?

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    The purpose of this article is to discuss die links between technological backwardness and the advanced industrialised countries. In the current acceleration of technical change, the content of work tends to be enlarged, to incorporate an innovative componet. Such re-valuation of the intelligence of work is an important source for firm's innovative capability. However, in Brazil, industrialisation has been characterised by a low degree of development of technological fragility reinforces (and is reinforced by) the dominance of taylorism principles in the organisation of work, and the use of a workforce which is, generally, little skilled, badly paid and subject to high turnover.No artigo procura-se documentar e discutir a relação existente entre atraso tecnológico e uso predatório do trabalho, traçando um paralelo entre o Brasil e os países de industrialização avançada. Na atual fase de aceleração tecnológica, a ampliação do conteúdo inovativo do trabalho é o eixo comum da mudança dos processos de trabalho e constitui importante colaboração à capacidade das firmas de acumularem conhecimento e inovarem. No entanto, no Brasil, uma industrialização marcada pelo baixo grau de capacitação tecnológica contínua associada à predominância de processos de trabalho ainda inspirados em princípios tayloristas, baseados primordialmente no uso de força de trabalho pouco qualificada, mal remunerada e com vínculo de emprego instável. Argumenta-se que esses dois aspectos do atraso brasileiro reforçam-se mutuamente


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    O objetivo deste ensaio teórico foi compreender se existe conexão entre estratégia, estrutura e processos para a gestão da inovação tecnológica. Para tanto, a estratégia de pesquisa utilizada compreendeu revisão de literatura (nacional e internacional), para aprofundar a compreensão do fenômeno estudado. Os resultados da pesquisa teórica mostram que existe uma relação entre estratégia, estrutura e processos de gestão para a inovação e, ainda, que tais elementos se imbricam mutuamente (co-evoluem). Isto porque, ao lidarem com os desafios colocados pela competitividade em seu ambiente (setor/mercado) de atuação, as empresas formulam estratégias que dependem da exploração de seus recursos e capacidades e, ainda, de sua habilidade de se organizar para explorá-los. Para isso, as empresas formalizam estruturas, sistemas de controles gerenciais e políticas de recompensas para colaboradores, os quais estarão implicados em e dos quais dependerão tais mudanças. Socialmente construídos com base em suas especificidades, tais arranjos perseguem a implementação. Eles são uma aposta para o êxito de sua estratégia, podendo resultar em vantagens competitivas sustentáveis


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    Concerns about environmental issues have compelled the productive sector of the industries to search for new business opportunities to achieve sustained development. There are some Brazilian companies from the personal hygiene, cosmetics, and perfumery sector who have been incorporating natural ingredients from the Brazilian biodiversity in its products in response to the intense competition with the multinational companies of the sector based in Brazil, as well as on account of the search of participation in international markets. The objective of this research was to study the implications in the search of a technological innovation trajectory based on sustainable products, which brings more complexity and diversity to the technological innovation process management and the increase of expertise associated with it. To accomplish this, a survey was proposed within a sample of 12 companies which actuate in the sector with the objective to investigate its strategies and technological innovation management practices. The results allowed the construction of a deductive categorization matrix with the different approach regarding the usage of natural ingredients in company‟s products, also with different implications for technological and innovative activities and the principles of sustainable development.A preocupação com a questão ambiental tem levado o setor produtivo a buscar oportunidades de negócios a partir de inovações voltadas para o desenvolvimento sustentável. Dessa forma, algumas empresas brasileiras do setor de higiene pessoal, perfumaria e cosméticos vêm incorporando ingredientes naturais da biodiversidade em seus produtos, em resposta à concorrência intensa com as empresas multinacionais do setor, bem como por conta da busca de atuação em mercados internacionais. Nesse sentido, este trabalho analisa as implicações que a busca de uma trajetória de inovação tecnológica baseada em produtos sustentáveis traz para a complexidade e diversidade da gestão do processo de inovação tecnológica e para o acúmulo de competências a ela associada. Para tanto, realizou-se de forma presencial um survey exploratório junto a uma amostra de 12 empresas nacionais e multinacionais que atuam no setor, com o objetivo de investigar suas estratégias e práticas de gestão da inovação tecnológica. Os resultados permitiram construir uma categorização dedutiva sobre as diferentes abordagens quanto ao uso de ingredientes naturais nos produtos das empresas, com implicações igualmente distintas em relação às atividades tecnológicas e inovativas e aos princípios do desenvolvimento sustentável